Monday, January 24, 2005

a couple of questions for you

Can anyone tell me why some people spend their whole life trying to be the biggest bitch, EVER?

Case in point:

I have two sisters. Smokey Smurf who is two years younger than me and (Fuck-it...her name is Maria, I don't even care to conseal her identity) my older sister who is 14 years older than I am.
Now Smokey and I have the same Dad (even though Maria was raised by 'our' dad) and we went through the same shit together. Even though we rivalled WWF when we were growing up, we're now tight, very close (but not THAT close you sick twisted bastards...LOL).

Saturday I went down to Norman to do my cleaning and I was asked to give my Grandma a bath. So since I was already in Norman I said sure. It was for my Grandma, after all and I did say I'd help out. But-and I mean but-I let them know in no uncertain terms that I couldn't do it every Saturday. I have way too much on my plate already.

Mom assured me that they understood.

So, I stop by and was told that the home health aid had given her a bath the night before.


Oh no, it couldn't have stopped there right? My mom had changed all of the plans. Now instead of giving her a shower I am going to help them transport her to a beauty shop for a perm. (Which I was going to do but, we had planned it for some time next week during the week and in the morning...STICK WITH THE FUCKING PLAN)

I said, " are we going to do it? I can't get her into your vehicle or mine. Also, mom, I can't be here all day. I still have several things to do."

Well, she had talked to Smokey Smurf and she was supposed to come over (some time) and help. That's great. Uhm, now why wasn't I called and told of the change of plans again?
The thing of it is...Smokey Smurf works nights, Mon-Fri. So she had worked the night before and needed some sleep Saturday morning. I totally understand. I worked nights.

So, mom drags me back to her room so she can smoke. (WHICH SHE ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE DOING AFTER HAVING A STINT PUT IN HER HEART! But, whatever! I don't care. I've come to terms that she is going to die--SOON--and apparently that's what she wants. Fine, her and Crack-head need to run off and have a suicide pact type thing. That way we'll get both of the biggest drama majors gone at once.) I sit and listen to her go on about her being nervous and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....(yeah, we're all long winded). We were being quiet.

You see my older sister's room is across from my mother's and I know she works nights. Yeah, and I'm a curtious bitch-there for I made it a point to keep my voice low. But, here is yet another thing, her and my mother are fighting. Yup, hard to believe isn't it. (We've all lived with my mother at least once in our adult lives...we know how it is...she knew this going into it)

So as I'm sitting there listening to my mother go on and on and on and on and on (she was also keeping her voice down) older sister pops in looking hagid and tells us,

"Could you please keep it down, THANK YOU."

Then she leaves and goes back to her room for probably a couple of hits so she can go to sleep. I'm past it, I past that stage a long time ago...Mostly b/c I didn't/don't want to loose my kids. How can you be 40 years old and still be a pot head?
More over, how can you be a pot head and be so up-fucking-tight all the damn time?

I don 't know. Don't care. I just laughed and then left. What she wanted or meant to accomplish by getting onto us or whatever, I don't know. It's just really pathetic. Her life really sucks right now and she wants it too. You see she is one of those people who wants to be a martyr (sp?).

I wonder if it chaps her hide that I don't give a shit anymore?

If you're going to be a martyr, be a respectible one!


You can talk the talk but, can you walk the walk?

Anyone else know anybody like that?