Sunday, August 22, 2004

Just Checking In With Everyone

Hmmm...I would've posted something worth reading today, but I had my college orientation. I will start my classes at my new college (Rose State College) on Monday. Water Aerobics at 6:30! I can't's the other classes that I could wait on. Keep praying for me that the financial aid comes in soon. I'm trying not to stress, but I need my school books! I start Monday for heaven sakes...thank goodness I don't need a book for Water Aerobics, hehehe.
Here's trusting that God will lay everything out in place...Please! Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!
Anyway, I just got back from my little sister's (Smokey Smurf) whom I'm hoping will start a blog of said name, but (shrugging shoulders) we'll see. We had to have a bitching's what sisters do. I had to lean on her shoulder and cry and vice-versa.
Well, I hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend.