Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Chronicles of Arawn and Aillen

Beyond the Fairy’s garden in one of the land’s two forests, you’ll find them. The last of their kind, the last great warriors…Arawn and Aillen. Of Celtic kings and monsters, of predators and prey, they were legends of their own time. The duo trekked across the ragged earth. Back and forth through-out the land and the forests only stopping at the Fairy’s garden to heal their wounds.
They were at odds with each other, arch enemies, as it was. The land must be conquered by one. So they wandered underneath the scorching sun that never moves. Hiding in the darkness of the forests when its light is gone. Alone. They were searching for a mate. And there was none, so their prey would have to suffice. They’re prey, whose life force was sucked from its body much like that of a vampire, but more wholly as if by some beast. Where they beasts? Their victims were as insects to them, the lesser of the species.
So they hunted in the light, still as the forests in which they hid. Patience. It was a necessary virtue to them, as they would melt in with their surroundings. Waiting. Waiting for their victims to walk past, unsuspecting death was a mere breath away.
It was how they survived. Just survived, as it was not living. They were desperately alone in they’re own world. Without a mate, left to the demise of they’re own. The two great warriors waited for the day…their mate would come.

…And they would have to wait. That is until I can afford to get a bigger cage and get them some females so they can bring forth their lizard spawn. LOL…and such is the way in the life of my two green anoles.