Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Story of the Floody Pipe

I'll sing you a song
'Bout a floody pipe
Says he, "It's all wrong...
"I can fix it tonight!"
With a trip to Lowes
And a bang and a clank
"OH, shit!"...he goes
As my hopes slowly sank
Boards in my kitchen
Nails on my floor
It's hard to keep the kids in
the other room
A call to his dad
Just might save the day
but answers, he did not have
About the 'newest' leak
With a, "Call me tomorrow."
You'd just have to know these men
My heart filled with sorrow
As the water still pools there
All I wanted was a floor
That doesn't flood
When washing clothes galore
Each day dirtied by my kids
So now what's been fixed must
be redone
It caused the new drip, I trust
that this will be it
Out he goes
Knowing what he must do
With a list back to Lowes
And the A/C turned to off
The heat envelopes us
The children and me
I shouldn't have made such a fuss
Just for that puddle to be fixed
He returns with high hopes
With a new drill bit
And he cuts through the slopes
Of the pipe that won't fit
So is it fixed, this morning
You ask
Let me give warning
as I say, "Just don't ask!"