Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Maybe I should've eaten more than a small scoop of black-eyed peas for New Years

Today I woke up with more energy (imagine that...maybe it had something to do with me sleeping through the night!) and I have been working out and cleaning. Okay, so I've been on the compute quite a bit too but, isn't that what a computer is for?

Anyway, my daughter started to get hungry and I noticed it was Noon and so I headed off to the kitchen to see what she wanted for lunch. Naturally she didn't want anything that we had and begged for some Chinese delivery (okay, well she didn't have to twist my arm too much) so I ordered us some. What the hey, this way I dirty less dishes than I would've if I cooked something, right?

Well, I've been finished for a little while and I notice that I forgot to check my fortune?!?!

...Not that I believe that crap or anything but, it's one of those things. You know, the ones where you just have to see if it is good, bad, or completely off--for shits & giggles.

So I crack that baby open (seeing as my kids had already devoured theirs and they got those cheesy messages: "you will be surrounded by friends" and "you will die happy after a very long life." You know the regular BS.

What's this? What the...

(I flip it over)

What the fuck!

There is nothing on mine!

I'm sure some little old Chinese person is laughing at me somewhere.
I'm hoping it's not a sign of things to come, LOL.