Monday, June 13, 2005


The house I grew up in was scary. Not just scary as in my family sucked (which it did), but there were many strange happenings in that house.

my old house
[red=doors & yellow=windows]

Smokey and I shared a room until our brother moved out. Smokey then inherited his old room. Even though our room had strange things that went on...his room was possessed!

No one could sleep in that room. Seriously!

The hallway in our house was long and narrow and had a giant cross on the wall.
This did nothing to shake the eerie feeling that captured you when you ventured down the hall.
No, in fact, it added to it.
I remember watching one of the Amyttiville movies where the "demon" threw a sheet up over the cross in their house...and that's all I could think about when I looked at it.

My brother played around with Satanism AND witch craft.
He branded himself with a pentagram by twisting a wire coat-hanger into the right shape, heating it over the stove and burning that horrid thing onto his arm. (sorry for misspellings)

That is why I opted to keep the old room and let Smokey take over our brothers.
Selfish? Yeah
Smart? Also yeah...there was a door between our two rooms that stayed locked. We would hear scratching in his room at night when we knew he was asleep on the couch. And it wasn't just any scratching like that of a mouse or something was long raking type scratching that reminded us a great deal of Freddy and his stylish glove.

In our room our closet led up to the attic and had a long mirror on it.
Neither of us wanted to be near that door.
Smokey remembers waking up one night to see a small girl in white sitting at the foot of her bed in the mirror, but when she looked at her bed she wasn't there (I hope I'm telling it right Smokey...add or subtract if I've messed up the details).

Even during the day when we were home sick we would hear things. My sister remembers hearing laughter that chilled her to the bone. You see we didn't live around other kids. Our neighbor hood was full of retired old people.
I remember being home from school and hearing my dad calling for my little sister.
Neither of whom were home.

There were many nights I couldn't sleep because fear had a hold on me. There was a dark shadow that would hang on our door from time to time. And sometimes I swear we heard the door knob wiggle. We slept with the door open.

When Smokey took over my brother's room. She started hearing some one call her name. She had to sleep on the couch like our brother had. If she did stay in the room she kept all of the lights on.

We are both still afraid of the dark.

Well, that's all I can think about right now...I've got goose-bumps from remembering that crap.