Monday, March 21, 2005

"It's Like this and like that and like this and a..."

So, I am finally over the flu.

Thank you, Jesus!

The shelves for the desk are built and stained.

Consequently, I also have stain all over me. I'm a little afraid to go driving at night because of it. You see, it's a fairly dark stain and I don't want them going "Rodney King" on my ass or something. LOL

Uhm, that was a joke...


...I still can't hear you laughing. Yeah, I know it was a sucky joke.

The flu drained it all out of me...what can I say.

I feel lecturing. Hmm...

Tonight's subject: Little girls trapped in women's bodies

When is it that we actually grow up? It happened to me "while" I was pregnant with my daughter, I was 21.
Now this is not to say that I was, Hell...or am, completely matured but, who is at 26?
Some people don't even start down the narrow road to maturity until much later than I did. My only motivation was to be a better mother to my child/children than my mother was/is.
I'm not focusing on men because...well, let's face it guys, ya'll never completely mature. It's okay. That's why we like you. So you can go back to scratching your balls and watching sports.
I always liked to think of myself as more mature than some and to an extent I was. I moved out when I was 18 and had to support myself. My best friend did the same and it was hard for us to understand what these people who lived with their parents and worked were so stressed out about.
It's like they have no concept of how life actually is when it's thrust upon them.
Especially the females!
They want to prove themselves to "their man" and be "what he wants or needs" when that's not who or what they want to be and then they're in a hole that they dug...with no ladder.
To which I think...Hell, you've got hands!!..climb out, dumb-ass but, for most of them the thought of hard work is worse than the emptiness of the hole in which they've dug.

Except for my online female friends and five that I talk to around here, including Smokey Smurf...women suck ass!

Don't any of you deny it! We are bitches...we just are. That's not to say that men aren't ass-holes...because they are!

How are men supposed to understand us when we don't even understand each other?