Male PMS
I was listening to some talk radio yesterday on my way to school. They were discussing "male PMS" and asking people to call in and tell them what they thought.
Most of the callers, as you can imagine, were women saying that, yes, it was true. Men do have PMS just like women only they don't have to deal with the "flood gates of hell" for a week.
I particularity enjoyed one woman. She called up and said that one week out of the month her husband would bake cookies...All week long. During that week if you talked to him he'd bite your head off but, after that week he was just fine. I thought this was hysterical! The lady went on to say that they have 6 children...ALL GIRLS!
Yeah, if I were a man...That would give me PMS too.
There were a few male callers who said they feel as if they go through a type of "PMS" during the month.
So I'm wondering...Is there really such a thing as "Male PMS?"
I found this article on what they call "IMS." You be the judge.
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