Friday, August 05, 2005

Freaky Friday

No astrology today. The crystal ball is on the Fritz. So instead, I'm going to do the forecast:

It will rain, be sunny, be humid, be hot, and there will be some wind in the states today.

...but not all in the same place.

Sorry, I just have a lot to do today. I've got to take my son over and get registered for speech therapy. My husband has a doctors appointment. I have to go up to the college to make sure all my grants and things are all in line and I'm all set for fall.

Sunday I'm going to down to Tecumseh with the kids to see my best friend and her new baby. I went to the hospital night before last and got my fill of holding Dustin for a while. He's SO CUTE! Eh, I can't help it. I never imagined in my wildest dreams the joy I experience having my children play with my best friends children. It's incredible!

Well, tonight I'm going to enjoy some Weird Travels on the Travel Channel. I love the haunted hotels they do. I can't get enough of the spooky stuff. My house is all decorated for Halloween.

My friends haven't said anything about it. They know me too well. Even my husband hasn't given me any grief over it. The old rule was I couldn't put up the decorations until the end of August but, I won't have time to do so then. I'll be at the end of my fast tract class and taking the finals for it.

So what is everyone going to be for Halloween this year?

If you all aren't decided, click on the grave email at the All Halloween Blog and send your pic in. The others and myself will look it over and post a photo-shopped version of your ideal Halloween costume.

I'm so excited about Halloween coming this year, I can hardly control myself.

In other news, my Mother-in-law has gallstones and is having surgery today to remove them. Keep her in your prayers. She is a wonderful lady and I hate to see her in pain.

Also, if anyone gets bored enough and wants to contribute. I think I will do a "palm reading Tuesday" next week but, in order to do so I will need some palm pictures.

Come on...