The Funniest Shit EVER!
Okay, so I have been posting A LOT here lately...
Well, because, I am bored. I could be doing more constructive things as in: folding the Mountains of laundry that has accumulated in the corner of my bed room; or like cleaning out my refrigerator seeing as how it still contains left-overs from Thanks Giving. Yes, Yes...I admit it. I HATE cleaning the fridge and I don't do it more than once every few months. I do, however, make exceptions when I get bitten by some unidentifiable creature (that suspiciously looks like broccoli casserole) and will then go through and clean the toxic waste dump that I feed my children from. Hey, what doesn't kill them makes them stronger...Right?
Anyway, so I'm not folding clothes because I still have, what is now closer to, a large hill of laundry in which to wash (I can only deal with one mountain at a time and it has taken me days to turn it from mountain to hill {I can't imagine not being able to do laundry after 7pm...stupid bitch land-lady, I feel for you Babs}). And I'm not cleaning the fridge because...Well, I'll make it my New Year's Resolution.
That being said, I am bored! So I have been bothering everyone I can on the Net rather than my poor "already bothered" husband, Rogue Wit. And I ran across the best shit ever! You have to check this shit out!
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