Monday, December 27, 2004

She Was Brave (5th Part)

“…The biggest thing to remember is that most people know they should be taking extra
precautions when it’s hot out. The fact is simply that most people do not use their knowledge
and follow through. It’s simple enough to prevent but, once you’ve passed the heat exhaustion
stage a stroke is imminent and requires immediate medical attention as it can result in death.
“Heat cramps, Heat exhaustion, and Heat stroke…I want a six page paper on the hows, the
whys, and the best course of action for each. If you wish, you can create a scenario as long as
you meet all of the guide lines I’ve listed on the hand out. It’s due in two weeks. We are having
the test next week and I’ll give the review when we meet next. The only bonus I will give,
before any of you ask, is a ten point bonus for turning in your paper on test day instead of the
week after. Any questions?...
“Okay, I’ll see you day after tomorrow.”
Traci was glad to see them all go. She was also very glad that they had not asked any
questions. Her mind had been so distracted all day and while it was easy to recite a lecture,
answering questions required her total concentration. Especially with some of the brilliant ones
in her class and she used that word loosely. She just hoped that she’d never have one of them
trying to administer first aid on her. It crossed her mind that she would have better luck just
waiting for the ambulance to arrive than to chance it with these future medics. Traci was going
to have to really drill it into their heads if they were going to pass. So far only a hand full of her
students could properly perform CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. It would be better if she
had them for more than twice a week but, that was what college was all about. The work must
come from the student. Professors only had to present the information in an understandable
As she began to grade her morning class’s pop quiz, Traci heard her cell phone ring. The
thought crossed her mind to just turn the damn thing off but, she knew who was calling. All the
more reason to ignore it, you twit.
“Are you planning on coming home at a reasonable hour tonight?”
“What, no ‘I love you, dear’ or ‘how are things going’?” Oh yeah, this was going to be one hell
of a fight. Why did she always have to make it worse?
“Look, I got a call from the school to come pick up the kids…”
“Oh, no! Wait right there buddy. This is your day to pick them up. You know that. This is
my late class and I won’t be home for another hour. Don’t blame your forgetfulness on me. I
do what is required.” Shit, let’s just dig a deeper hole while we’re at it. Traci’s mouth was
to get her killed one day.
“…You know I don’t have time to take off for that kind of thing and..”
“That kind of thing! That thing would be your children. I didn’t make them by myself and
will make time for them. So, go pick them up! You can yell at me all you want to later but, I
at work and I will not…will not be spoken to like this. I’ve had this job for a couple of years now
and this has always been my late night so there is really no excuse for you’re forgetting about
your children! Good-bye.”
Oh yeah, it was going to be a fun night. Dena and Antwan were right. Don is just picking fights
now. This was totally absurd and Traci couldn’t put up with it any longer. New job or not she
was going to lay it out on the line…Tonight. She couldn’t live with a man like him any longer,
the man he had become. Screw it! I can grade this shit at home later but, right now…I’m going
out for a drink. The bastard! Those are his children too and it’s the only time they get to see
him really. He doesn’t fucking care. Well, it’ll be the last time he has to be put out by “spending
the evening” with them. He’ll be spending the evening elsewhere.