She Was Brave (4th Part)
“Mornin’ beautiful.”
“Hey, Antwan. Dena, you two really need to quit playing Nanny. It’s not that I don’t
appreciate it…it’s just…”
“It’s just what? You don’t want to visit with your two best friends over coffee before work?”
Traci sighed aloud. They knew what she was about to say and the conversation that would take
place, yet again. They would bait the hook and she would always bite, like a good little fish. If
only they hadn’t known each other from practically the beginnings of their lives…Not she would
have it any other way.
“So, what? You want me and Dena to leave?” God, did Antwan really have to look like such a
sad little puppy when he wanted his way?
“It’s just that Don thinks I don’t need to have people over all the time. He said if I needed the
help we could hire a house keeper or a cook or something. I don’t think he understands that
we’re just so close we’re practically family, ya know?” Okay, so she was pleading with them in a
way to keep the same “talk” from taking place yet once again. By the looks on their faces, Traci
figured it hadn’t done any good.
“Oh, so Don thinks that we’re your servants. I see.”
“You know, Trace, I don’t think he wants you to have friends. He made you stop with the
tutoring you were doing because you spent too much time with students. You had to drop out
of the PTA because he thought you were being too intrusive with the kids schooling. You even
had to stop going to that Bible study that you started with the pastor’s wife…do you even still
go to that Church anymore?”
“Stop it! I did quit but, it was only because it was putting stress on our marriage by way of my
being gone so much, okay?! We don’t get to spend a lot of time with each other and it has
required some personal sacrifices.”
“Yeah, yours.”
“Uh-hum…what exactly has he had to sacrifice…I mean besides having sex with his wife.”
“Dena! That’ll be quite enough! …Look, I’ve got to get the kids up. I don’t want you guys to
leave me okay…just wait here till I get the kids up and to school and we can talk.” Traci had
just taken a big bite of bait just like a good little fish. Hook, line, and sinker. It didn’t matter
what they said really. She always wanted them around and had told Don as much. He had
been totally pissed off and told her to loose them. It was the one thing she was firm about with
him. Dena and Antwan were the only family she had, even if they weren’t blood. The one
concession she had made with Don was that she’d ask them to ease up on the visiting. Though,
what did it matter? He was never around to see that they were here anyway.
Sighing once again, Traci made her way up the stairs to the children’s rooms. To her
amazement they were both up and nearly dressed. Her little angels! Tamara and Matthew
were her one ray of sunshine this morning. Tam was getting to be a real pro at dressing herself
and had helped Matt get dressed as well. That is, unless her four year old had figured out how
to tie his shoes during the night.
“Wow! You guys look great. Good job, are we ready to go to school?”
“We’re hungry Momma. I smelled the bacon and now my tummy smells it too.”
“Well, we have to hurry up then if we’re going to eat before we leave. It’s getting late. Maybe
we can make a plate to go? How’s that?” Tam looked stricken. She loved sitting with Dena and
Antwan in the morning and eating breakfast with her little brother. Traci could see her fighting
tears but, she was such a good selfless girl.
“Okay Momma but, can I have Dena make mine up?” Traci was touched beyond words. She
would never comply with Don’s request now. Dena and Antwan were just as much a joy to her
children as they were to her.
She grabbed up both the kids and their bags and raced down stairs after hugging the poor
things to death.
If they wanted to sit a few minutes with Dena and Antwan then, by God, they could. She’d just
talk with their teacher and have them excused for being a little late. It was one thing to have
her own joy stolen from her but; she wouldn’t steal that joy from her children.
“Okay, kids…we’ll eat before we go. And if we’re late then we’re late and I’ll talk with your
teachers okay.” Yeah, they were okay.
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