Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Singing The Blues

Normally, I LOVE rainy days such as this one.

I guess I just have a lot on my mind. Yeah, I do...a LOT.

It's funny how your spouse's mood can effect your own. I'd been sick but, I'd been in good spirits trying not to worry about things I have no control over.

Yet, here I am.

I know it's a Libran trait to worry about every little thing...I know this, yet it doesn't make me do it any less.

All of this construction has made us crazy around here. We never fight but, we have for the last month or so. I'm tired of it, myself. I know he is too.

He's a wonderful man and I do love the Rogue Wit but, like all men, he's an ass sometimes. He's in a bit of a mood himself. So before I get in trouble for writing this post: I'm merely venting!

He misses me. There's good reason for that. The minute he gets home I'm leaving to go to class. When I get home from class we're putting the kids to bed and I'm not that far behind them these days. I can't help it...I'm tired. I know he's feeling under-appreciated and I'm sorry if my actions have made him feel as such. I'm feeling overwhelmed at the moment and it's hard to see beyond that. I miss him too.

I'm also a smart-ass blunt chick and I like to joke rough. He's gotten his feelings hurt a couple of times over the last week. We've been together long enough that he should know when I'm joking and when I'm not. I feel like I'm walking on egg shells.

Does anyone ever have those moments when they wonder if they've made the right choices thus far?

Ah, I'm just in a bad mood because my house is filthy, my nerves are shot, and I've got a lot of school work to fit into this and next week! I feel as if I'm falling....