Tuesday, March 29, 2005


The title is more of a reminder for me than anything else. It's too damn early in the morning and I have way too damn many things to do today. Notice the grumpy-bitchiness. I should be in bed but, there are only so many hours in the day and I must fit 1000 BS things in this one.

I've got to take my daughter to get her shots (which might take hours at the health department but, I refuse to pay for something which is free elsewhere).

Then I have to take her to get enrolled for pre-k TODAY if I want to make sure she has a chance of getting in. It's first come first serve, as it were, for placement in pre-k because not all schools have pre-k and it's not manditory. I would just hold off but, my daughter is ready for school and so am I.

Then after stopping by the bank and picking up lunch I'll be dropping her off at home.

Next it's up to the college to take my compus test which is like, 1-2 1/2 hours and then I have to turn in my nursing application.

Hopefully, I will still have a little time before my evening class starts because I need to work on a research project and I can't be late for that class without pissing the professor totally off.

Then I swear to you, I am coming home and going to bed!