Friday, March 25, 2005

"What's Love Got To Do, Got To Do WIth It?"

Does anyone else find themselves running around the house in their grubbies singing that (I think it’s by Tina Turner) song that goes “We don’t need another hero” and making sure to be as off key as possible?

I like to do things like that. Loudly. Though my four year old starts screaming for me to be quiet, secretly I think she really likes it. My two year old son (soon to be three) joins in for the noise factor. Ah, sometimes you just have to enjoy those simple pleasures of life…like annoying the crap out of your kids.

Why not? It’s not like they don’t do it to me often enough.

I like to chase them around saying things like, “I’ve got spankings for everybody!”
That really makes them run. Its a little game we play, hehehe.

The Rogue Wit really enjoys the games. I try to make it even more special for him. When he’s around I have to drill my brain and dig back deep for some “old school” hip-hop. Yeah, I know he says he hates rap and R&B and hip-hop…but I think he secretly likes it too.

Most people put up a front about “likes and dislikes” and its all crap. Otherwise, you think they’d keep it a secret as to keep people from knowing about it so we wouldn’t annoy the crap out of them.

Like a gay man in the closet. We can speculate all we want but, we don’t really know for sure until they “come out.”

There’s my bit of wisdom for the day!