Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Back Alley Boxing!

Fights among homeless taking police time

By Nick WinklerNews9
The following is a script from a News9 broadcast

Police say they're spending a lot of time breaking up fights between homeless people.

Nick Winkler and Photojournalist Lori Story caught a homeless fight on tape and found a woman working to restore peace.

NEWS 9 report

People who work with the homeless say fights are sometimes deadly. And police who investigate these fights say their time could be better spent doing other things. But one woman is trying to help solve the problem --with sandwiches.

Neither of these fighters have homes -- and neither admits to fighting.

The man on the other hand of these slaps is David Scroggins.

People who work with the homeless say homeless men fight often. Last year, they say, several homeless were found dead on the streets, killed during fights. Michelle Lanham was once homeless -- she makes sandwiches now, and sometimes feeds the homeless for free.

Police say the time they spend dealing with the homeless limits the time they have for more important jobs. Sometimes, the homeless need help police cannot provide.

Scroggins limps to a phone, and says he's calling police. Police show up and twice ask Scroggins to leave; instead Scroggins flips off the officer.

Police arrest Scroggins -- they say he's drunk. Police say Scroggins is headed back to jail for being drunk, three hours after getting out of jail for being drunk.

People who work with the homeless say the number of homeless fights has not drastically increased or decreased recently. They say the problem is persistent, though. Kelly.
Witnesses say tonight's fight started when one of the homeless men refused to lend the other any money for beer and cigarettes.


Is it just me or does this seem hysterical to you?

An idea struck whilst reading this article...we could pay the homeless to fight. It would take the place of our "cock fights" and would give the homeless a job of sorts.

It would be simple. The first to die looses and the winner gets a bottle of scope, some ciggs, a whore, and a big mac. Then if they make it all the way to the finals we'll through in a $20 and let them fight it out and they can have a shower plus TWO big macs for winning.

It would almost be as much fun as watching Blog Ho go at it in nothing but a T-shirt against that old Irish guy...but more bloody.

Besides, this way we would be cutting down amount of homeless and giving them something to live for.

A win win situation if you ask me!