Friday, March 25, 2005

I Love It When You Call Me Big Papa!

I drove home with that song blaring. It made me think of getting up at 4:45am and waking my little sister, Smokey Smurf up to get ready for school. We used to watch music videos before our Dad dropped us off at the before school program, other wise our lazy-ass Mother would make us late every day. We went to a private school so there wasn't a bus stop or even a bus route and our parents didn't want us to walk to was a few miles from the house. We, well...I walked home from time to time.

I'm trying to add some things to my blog. I hope everyone enjoys...if anyone can direct me to more blog type things to add to it...I'd be much obliged.

You know, it's a full moon tonight...And Easter is Sunday!

Damn, I hadn't even thought about baskets for the kids...I had to make a mad dash to Wal-Mart tonight after putting the kids in bed. It just kinda snuck up on me. Where does the time go?

I wish there was a "holiday count down" thingy for blogs...anybody know about one?

I was so focused on the medieval Fair that is next weekend that had it not been for my sister asking me what I was doing for Easter...I would have missed it., my memory is going!