Saturday, March 26, 2005

You Might Be A Red-neck...

If you have a belt-buckle the size of your nad sack...
You might be a red-neck.

If you think dressing up is akin to the amount of rhine-stones (sp?) you put on...
You might be a red-neck.

I never got past my fascination with the "disco-tech-saddle" they had hanging up over the dance floor. LOL, it was a nice touch.

Consequently, did anyone else know that "Fuck off, I don't want to dance" means "Get me a beer" in red-neck? It's brilliant!

So I had one too many beers and a REALLY strong Long Island Tea...woah. All in all, it was really fun. I felt like I was at a Jeff Foxworthy convention, though. And, I'll admit to being a little disappointed. I only saw one mullet...ONE! Can you believe that? And...with only one mullet, I was really surprised to see about three mohawks! Wranglers, button up cowboy shirt, huge buckle, and a mohawk? Crazy! I really should have brought my camera.

The best part was...they had a "Best Butt" contest with the men. LOL...there were a few really nice looking studs out there but, the guy who won was about 300lbs and wearing some grubby over-alls, without a shirt, and a cowboy hat with a big green feather. LOL...I just can't get that picture out of my head! "I'm Blind!!!" hehehe

There is a part of me that was excited by the line dancing. I'm shaking my head as I write this even. My friend and I have decided that we're going to learn how to do that...really, it looked like fun. Can you see me two-steppin' to "She thinks my tractor's sexy?"

I guess we'll find out, huh....