Bloody Art!!
In honor of Blog Ho's most recent post, I have done some research on the subject of menstruation.
"As an artist inspired by a romantic notion of menstruation, I find myself amongst a world of bleeding female artists who also find this bizarre cycle an arousing force to create art. A feminine burden, women cannot ignore bleeding for an entire week, on a monthly basis for a good chunk of their lifetime. What is odd is that this amazing natural internal hassle is a socially taboo topic of conversation, and is ‘shocking’ when visually expressed. Why is it shocking, and why does it inspire many artists to create?........"
"In 1998 I joined with photographic artist Gina Macaulay to put together an exhibition evoking concern and controversy. Macaulay froze her own blood, mostly her own menstrual blood and used it in her photographic images. This artist produces shocking images of self-torture, questioning her womanhood with simultaneous hatred and yet celebration......."
You can read about this art and look at one of the pictures HERE.
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