Sunday, March 13, 2005


My sister, Meg, gave birth to a beautiful...wait, no...handsome baby boy by the name of Alexander Clayton! He was born around 6:15/6:30pm (not for sure because they had to take him out rather than the natural birth) and he is 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20 inches long. He is almost as cute as my little boy, Aiden was...though I'm kinda biased.

I got a call this morning from my Step-mother and snapped at my husband for bringing me the phone before I got out of bed. Then he told me:

"Marty, wants you to call her. Megan's water broke."

"What!? You should've given me the phone!"

LOL...see how us women are!

So I head up there without doing my hair, without make up, and without eating anything. Not good because I'm hypoglycemic. I get there and they were hooking up the epidural and then she was fine for a while. She was progressing great, bless her heart. Her hips just weren't wide enough to pop out this big ol' kid! After 3 hours of her husband and I on either side of her holding a leg and counting: 1..2..3........10 the doctor decided it just wasn't going to happen. She was just too tired and the baby was just too big for her little hips.

It was hard on her. She cried a little...she'd worked so hard and then they had to take him anyway. I had to go down stairs and get a snack so I could:
1) not pass out because I hadn't eaten
2) get away from the crowd so I could shed a few tears myself (I get pissed off if I cry and especially infront of people)
3) I wasn't feeling good and I used to work at this hospital...I wanted to see if I could find my old supervisor and ask him for a couple of the sinus pills they keep for the luck though and I didn't see a single face that I knew, probably because I worked evenings and it was day time

So I finally got to see Alex and I took a "butt-load" of pictures. Then I headed on home to take some sinus pills and to find out that my son is running a temp of 102.2*...not happy about that. He's on anti-biotics as it is...he isn't supposed to be able to get a temp while he's on the anti-biotics. Oh, well...I'll call the doctor tomorrow.

And yesterday, I was at the In-Law's playing with power tools again. So...sorry for not posting. I'll try to get some pics of my nephew up in the morning but, right now...I think I'm near death (can't you see the hand to my forehead as I fall lightly to the floor!).