Friday, June 25, 2004

A Question Posed Is An Answering Waiting to happen...

I thought, I would get the ball rolling for this weekend by posing a question and hopefully get some feed back. In my grandmother's time, good and bad were as plain as black and white. Now-a-days though, many people would argue that there are various shades of gray and the whole black/white, good/evil criteria is no longer in effect. I, being who I am, disagree and still believe as my grandmother does. There should be no in between. But, obviously, just because one person believes something doesn't make it right...But just because we don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't real.
So then, who wants to take a crack at this? I would like to remind you all that this is just a friendly debate, so no haters, please. I believe we are all civilized enough to post our opinions without tearing down someone else.