Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Oh, No!...here I go again...

Okay...so did every body hear about this? We're going to have foreign assistance in our election process! Am I the only citizen who is appalled at this! That is infringing on my rights to a secret ballot!
The reason for this is because of the last fiasco in the election of president George W. Bush, you know, all the re-counts and such. You know...with the horrible voter turn out that election year, half the people bitching about a re-count probably didn't vote anyway. This is such bull-shit. I don't want to stand for this, but really who am I to make a stand. Alone. We as a people, a nation of the free should stand up and say, "No, f---ing way!" I don't remember voting on whether or not I wanted assistance to vote. I'm not at all comfortable in having some foreigner breathing down my neck as I cast my vote. Voting being the most important right as a free citizen. I am sooo very pissed off and every citizen of this great nation should be too. We should all just go on a "voters strike" and not show up at the polls come this election day. Making our government listen to us! We are the leading nation of the free world! We don't need foreign fucking assistance to vote. We've been doing this how long?
I have a theory. The people whose ballots were messed up...are the same damn people who refuse to look over their tests when they're done with them. It's humiliating! If they can do this...what's to stop them from pressuring us to vote one way or the other? If you give them an inch they'll take a mile. It sounds far fetched, but not so far fetched that it couldn't happen. If we let this continue it will be interpreted and re-interpreted to meet the needs of those who are being voted for and not the needs of the voters. This is just bull-shit and we all need to be writing our congress-men/women and the president! We have to tell them we will not stand for this! It's invading our right to privacy.

I've added a link to an article better explaining what is going on. Just click the title.