Friday, August 12, 2005


Yes, I'm in love...
All over again.

With whom?

Rogue Wit!

Last night after I had been stressing and obsessing over things I don't really need to worry about (breath), my husband was joking around with me. The bastard, lol. Don't men realize women do not want to be bothered when we're having a woman moment? Really, guys.

Well, after he annoyed the crap out of me and poked and teased (okay, so I liked...LOVE it) he handed me a sheet of paper.

It was a flyer with scantily clad women on it. Upon further inspection I realized that they were belly-dancers. I had taken a few courses in it before and I practice some with the tapes I have here at home. (My daughter does them with me, she likes the belly dances...Interestingly enough my son likes to 2-step with me, he's getting really good at the cotton-eye-Joe.)


Well, I jokingly said, "So what? Are you trying to tell me I'm fat?"

"Of course not, dear." I love a trained man.

Then he went on to explain. He knows this girl at work who does the classes. We've actually both seen her before at the medieval Fair. She told Rogue Wit that if he set her up with a website for her classes and maintained it that she'd give me free lessons! FREE!

Isn't that the shit!

My husband is always doing things like that for me. He's the most wonderful man in the world and I've got him. Sorry ladies but, he only has eyes for me.

It's the way he says my name. He never basterdizes it by shortening it. He looks me in the eyes and I can see how much he loves me. Hell, I feel it across the room. The gifts that he gives to me are so precious and sweet. He knows me so well.

I know I'm hard on him but, he doesn't mind. He still loves me and all of my faults. He is my prince charming (though he will tell you he is no knight in shining armor for his armor is battle scared and tarnished). He loves me when I run around the house singing and annoying everyone in general. He loves me when I give him a zerbert on the ass-cheek in his sleep (though he says he hates it, I know he really loves it, LOL). Okay, so I fibbed. I don't really do that...while he sleeps. ;)

Have I told you I love you today? I love you, baby.
[ps, if you're bored...check out the new FOAMY cartoon or some of the old ones!]