Thursday, August 11, 2005

Shaken Mommy Syndrome

My daughter's teacher called today.

No, she's not started school yet. She doesn't start until Tuesday the 16th. I will not cry until I return home from dropping her off. Then I will drive home hug my little 3 year old as I let go of one into the worlds claws.

Of course I may be over reacting. This is a possibility but, it does nothing to ease this ache in my stomach when I think about sending my daughter out into the public school system. She's ready. She wants to go and wants me to stay home. My daughter is very out going. I know she will do well. Still, I fear for her...Mommy fears. Who will kiss her boo-boos when she scrapes a knee? Who will keep her from being taken advantage of? Who will keep her from being bullied...or from bullying other children? It will be a woman I don't know but, we just talked on the phone Wednesday. She seemed a very nice lady. Isn't that what they say about all of those child molesters or murders?

Yeah, I'm over reacting. But they're my babies and I am their protector. Don't mess with a Momma lioness. She'll rip you to pieces before you knew you had done something wrong.

I guess my fears about how I developed as a teen and pre-teen are popping up. I was watching these guys and getting high while laughing with my friends, "Uh-hu-hu-hu...Uh-hu-hu-hu."

God, how do we keep our children from making the same mistakes and from ending up with the same fears we developed? How do we change who we are in the name of our children's future? Why did any of us ever have children with all of the stresses that arise from them?

When my children tell me they love me. When my daughter says, "You came into check on me to see if I was alright, huh?" "Yes, Baby girl. I am coming to check on you to make sure you were alright." When my son walks up to me and gives me a bear hug followed by a heart felt, "Uv Ooo Mama." "Love you too, Baby boy." When I lay my head on my husbands broad shoulders and feel him hold me close and know that I don't bare this burden alone...That's why.