Monday, August 15, 2005

Just Another Man Named, Monday

"I wish it was Sunday, 'cause that's my fun day..." -sorry, lol


I woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning but, then my little boy hopped up on me and gave me a big kiss.
"Wake up Mama!"
How can I stay cranky after that?

LOL, trust me I can but, with a lot of practice I have learned to keep it to myself. I only like mornings when I've been a wake for a while. If that makes sense...

Can't stay long because we have to head back out and run some errands. YAY ERRANDS! Let me see. I have to finish getting school supplies (for myself as well as my daughter), stop by the bank, stop by the other elementary where they do the "speech therapy" because I need to enroll Aiden in it. [side note about my son...I can't get over how red his hair is! Both of the kids have my hair color but, when they go outside Adara's is more blonde and Aiden's is really bright red. Weird huh?]

Let me see...I know I missed something. Ah, that's right. Tonight is "Back to School Night" and I have to go get my Math text book...better call first though...I can't afford to waste the gas to head up to Rose State just for Bill and Ted to tell me, "Uhm, yeah. Well, it's not in yet. Why don't you check back tomorrow?"

Bastards, lol.

Smokey Smurf- Girl, you know you're closer than just a sister to me. You're strong even when you don't think you are and you always come out on top. I'm really proud of you. (Oops, sorry. I can't help being the older sister.) I love you but, you need to update your blog more often :)

Rogue Wit- What can I say? You're one of my favorite readers...and other things ;)

Pitch4kman- Well, you're a pretty good bitch, sometimes. I can't wait for you move closer so we can bust out our magic decks again. I'm kinda excited about this 9th edition stuff. I'll have to bring out my EVIL ELF DECK!!! Though my wizards are getting better. I need to get another avatar for my elves though and then you're in trouble!

Andrea- Girl, I'll go easy on you and we'll team up against the men, LOL.

Man in the Middle- You always had something interesting for me to check out. I miss your blog.

Rathwel- I hope you find what you've been looking for because all of your old readers still miss you. You need to get that book published so that I can finish it. I was caught up in it! We miss you.

jp- LOL, girl...I'm going to have to call you soon!

Okay...I'll hit some more of my readers tomorrow. It's the week of reader appritiation!!!
(sorry spell check didn't know how to spell appritiation either:)